Stand out locally, attract more patients

Patients search online for healthcare. Be the clinic they find first. Mobal’s Local SEO tools make sure you’re seen when it matters most.

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With Mobal, we effectively manage our multiple locations on Google, ensuring our profiles stand out. By replying to reviews and uploading images and posts, we have boosted our brand presence, improved search rankings, and increased monthly views and visitors.

Emmiina Lindfors
Content Manager
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Why healthcare providers choose Mobal

Take control of your local visibility and drive more patients to your healthcare business. Choose the plan that suits your needs, whether you're a small clinic or a multi-location practice.


Your healthcare business, listed where it counts

Highlight the quality of care your practice offers and show potential patients why you're the top choice in the area.

Get more appointment bookings

Make it simple for patients to find, trust, and book your services in just a few clicks.

Reply to patient reviews from one dashboard

Easily collect, manage, and respond to patient reviews.
All features on Mobal

How Mobal helps healthcare providers thrive

Save countless hours on manual management and get full control of your healthcare business online.

Control your information online

Help more patients

Focus on what you do best—caring for your patients—while Mobal automates your online presence. Keep your information accurate and consistent without any manual updates.

Update opening hours across all online platforms
Manage all business information
Manage business descriptions
Optimise keywords with AI 
List all your services online

Get more appointment bookings

Convert online visibility into actual appointments. Mobal's tools make it simple to turn digital searches into real-life patients walking through your door.

Add your services to all your profiles
Upload images and video
Publish local news and posts
Engage with patients online

Reply to patient reviews

Easily collect, manage, and respond to patient reviews. Highlight the quality of care your practice offers and show potential patients why you're the top choice in the area.

Reply to reviews with the help of AI
Create review reply templates
Gather review analytics
Profile analytics

Keep track of profile performance and trends

Monitor key metrics and gain insights into profile performance to understand what’s driving engagement and make data-driven decisions to improve visibility.

Profile trends and analytics
Review analytics
Keyword analytics

Make every click count

One dashboard to rule them all—manage all your business profiles on Google, Apple, Bing, and social channels with ease.
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Kuule upeista asiakkaistamme.
”Suosittelen ehdottomasti Mobalia! Koska meillä on aina paljon tekemistä, joidenkin tehtävien ulkoistaminen luotettaville käsille helpottaa huomattavasti työkuormaa.”
Janika Harttunen
”Pidän todella työskentelystä Mobalin kanssa. Heidän tiiminsä vastaa erittäin nopeasti, kun minulla on kysyttävää. Jos sinulla on minkäänlaisia ongelmia tai kamppailet jonkin asian kanssa alustalla tai profiileissa, saat välittömän vastauksen. ”
- Ana Mamadžanova
Myynti ja markkinointi
”Mobal-asiantuntijat ovat aina ajoissa ja läsnä, se on lupaus, joka täyttää.”
Micke Trygg
Cheif markkinointipäällikkö
”Mobalin suurin etu on henkilökohtainen asiakaspalvelu, jota todella arvostetaan. Kaikki on mennyt hyvin sujuvasti ja nopeasti.”
Jenny Björklund
Ravintolan omistaja
”Ravintolaliiketoiminta on täynnä äkillisiä muutoksia, ja Mobalin nopeat vasteajat ovat olleet korvaamattomia”
Iira Junttila
Kokemuksemme Mobalin kanssa on ollut silmien avaava. Sen avulla voimme keskittyä parhaan ramenin tekemisen asiakkaillemme samalla kun online-läsnäoloamme hallitaan saumattomasti.”
Erik-Herald Valter
Frequently asked questions

Wondering About Something? Let’s Clear Things Up!

We’ve gathered all the important info right here. Explore our FAQs and find the answers you need.

Why should I manage my healthcare business's business profiles online?

Your business profiles help customers find your restaurant and locate information about your healthcare business, including hours, reviews, and websites. Claiming your Google Business profile and Apple Place Card is the easiest and one of the most critical steps to ensure you get found online and improve your ranking online.

Can I get appoinment bookings directly from my business profiles on Apple and Google Maps?

You can add a "book appointment" button to your business profiles on Google and Apple Maps to drive more appoinments.

How can I best manage multiple business profiles?

To best manage multiple business profiles, start by creating a detailed profile for each business, including accurate and consistent information about its name, address, phone number, website, and other relevant details. Use a tool like Mobal to centralize your profiles and streamline your management process.

Finally, regularly monitor and update your profiles to ensure that they reflect the latest information about your businesses and are consistent across all platforms, which can improve your online visibility and help attract more customers.

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