Own your brands digital presence, across every location

Mobal provides the tools and expertise to enterprise businesses who need to improve their digital presence, streamline operations, and drive growth across all locations.

Leading restaurants all over the world use Mobal
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Why multi-location restaurants choose Mobal

Whether you have 10 or 10,000 locations, Mobal gives you the tools to manage them all from one place. No more juggling between platforms or systems.


Your restaurants, listed where it counts

Mobal connects you to every major map directory and search engine online.

Consistency you can trust

Mobal ensures your business information, menus, and promotions are always accurate and aligned with your brand, across every location, everywhere.

Instant control

Real-time updates across locations. Adjust business hours, promotions, or respond to reviews instantly. Stay in control, always.

Built for multi-location brands

Save countless hours on manual management and get full control of your restaurant online.

Information & opening hours

Centralized dashboard

See all your locations in one place. Track performance and manage information from a single, easy-to-use dashboard.

Update opening hours across all online platforms
Manage all business information
Update logo and cover image
Optimise keywords with AI 
Brand management

Share your dishes on Google and Apple Maps

Ensure a cohesive, compelling brand presence by seamlessly updating and monitoring your brand elements.

Upload images and video
Manage in bulk and schedule media
Ensure customers choose your business

Share your menu and campaigns on Google

Easily update your menu and promote your latest deals and events directly on Google, reaching customers when they're searching and ready to engage.

Schedule and create drafts
Upload your menu on Google
Profile analytics

Keep track of profile performance and trends

Monitor key metrics and gain insights into profile performance to understand what’s driving engagement and make data-driven decisions to improve visibility.

Profile trends and analytics
Review analytics
Keyword analytics

Jo yli 8000 yritystä luottaa Mobaliin

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Kuule upeista asiakkaistamme.
”Suosittelen ehdottomasti Mobalia! Koska meillä on aina paljon tekemistä, joidenkin tehtävien ulkoistaminen luotettaville käsille helpottaa huomattavasti työkuormaa.”
Janika Harttunen
”Pidän todella työskentelystä Mobalin kanssa. Heidän tiiminsä vastaa erittäin nopeasti, kun minulla on kysyttävää. Jos sinulla on minkäänlaisia ongelmia tai kamppailet jonkin asian kanssa alustalla tai profiileissa, saat välittömän vastauksen. ”
- Ana Mamadžanova
Myynti ja markkinointi
”Mobal-asiantuntijat ovat aina ajoissa ja läsnä, se on lupaus, joka täyttää.”
Micke Trygg
Cheif markkinointipäällikkö
”Mobalin suurin etu on henkilökohtainen asiakaspalvelu, jota todella arvostetaan. Kaikki on mennyt hyvin sujuvasti ja nopeasti.”
Jenny Björklund
Ravintolan omistaja
”Ravintolaliiketoiminta on täynnä äkillisiä muutoksia, ja Mobalin nopeat vasteajat ovat olleet korvaamattomia”
Iira Junttila
Kokemuksemme Mobalin kanssa on ollut silmien avaava. Sen avulla voimme keskittyä parhaan ramenin tekemisen asiakkaillemme samalla kun online-läsnäoloamme hallitaan saumattomasti.”
Erik-Herald Valter
Frequently asked questions

Wondering About Something? Let’s Clear Things Up!

We’ve gathered all the important info right here. Explore our FAQs and find the answers you need.

What is Mobal Enterprise Solution?

Your business profiles help customers find your restaurant and locate information about your restaurant, including hours, reviews, and websites. As a restaurant owner, claiming your Google Business profile and Apple Place Card is the easiest and one of the most critical steps to ensure you get found online and improve your ranking online.

Can Mobal handle multiple locations?

Absolutely! Mobal is built to scale with your business. Whether you have a few locations or hundreds, you can manage them all from one central dashboard. Each location can be customized with its unique business hours, contact information, photos, and descriptions, ensuring accuracy across all profiles.

How does Mobal help with online reviews?

Mobal uses AI-driven tools to automatically gather, manage, and respond to reviews across multiple platforms. This helps your business build a positive reputation and respond to customer feedback in real-time, improving customer engagement and loyalty.

Is Mobal’s Enterprise Solution customizable?

Yes! Mobal offers a high level of customization to meet the unique needs of your business. You can tailor your profile information, business hours, descriptions, and even special offers, making it a flexible solution for businesses of all sizes.

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