Make Profile Updates in Bulk, Effortlessly  

Save time, boost efficiency, and ensure accuracy with Mobal.

Trusted By
Gina Tricot logo
Newsec logo shopping center
citycon logo
Tempur logo for customer reference
Webflow Template - Designed by and
Webflow Template - Designed by and
Webflow Template - Designed by and
Webflow Template - Designed by and
An icon branded for Mobal

Efficiency at Scale

Update hundreds of profiles in just a few clicks. Whether it's changing addresses, adjusting operating hours, or updating contact details, do it all at once — seamlessly and efficiently.

Error reduction

Minimize the risk of errors that come with manual entries. Our system ensures that updates are uniform across all platforms, reducing discrepancies and boosting your business's credibility.

Real-Time Synchronization

Changes are reflected across all platforms instantly. Never worry about outdated information costing you potential customers.

One-click management

Discover how our bulk update features can revolutionize the way you manage your business profiles.

Start for Free

Save 10x time per week

Instead of updating each business profile individually, which can be time-consuming and tedious, the one-click solution allows you to make changes to multiple profiles simultaneously.

Start for Free

Unmatched accuracy

Minimize human error and maintain uniformity across all your profiles. Our system ensures that every update is precise, enhancing your business's credibility and reliability.

Start for Free

Bulk features on Mobal

Explore the multiple bulk features on Mobal.

Bulk feature


Create and publish posts, events & campaigns
Google Business
Upload images and video
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Update business name  
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Add business hours
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Add special hours
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Long and short description
Google Business, Apple Business Connect
Contact details (phone number, email)
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Website link
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Profile picture
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Cover photo
All connection
Upoad food menu (restaurants)
Google Business
Add tags
Organize your profiles on Mobal
Replace categories
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Hawaii Restaurants interview with Mobal
"I really like working with Mobal. Now, it's really fast to update all the info, reply to reviews, update menus, and upload content."

Anastasia Mamadzhanova

Hawaii Restaurants

Join 7000+ locations growing with Mobal

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